Saturday, October 18, 2008

Spread the Wealth

Mr. Obama actually said that he wanted to "spread the wealth around." He actually said it!

Are there any more questions at this point??!!

Aside from the multitude of moral issues that are at hand here, can anyone who actually believes in capitalism still vote for this man in good conscience.

And by the way, Mr. Biden, I do not consider paying higher taxes to be a form of being patriotic – whether I am the one who is doing the paying or if it is someone who is currently wealthier than I am. I believe that it is honorable to pay what is required of me, but this does not make me more or less someone who is patriotic. Granted, there are those who will do a lot to avoid paying what they owe. But in this, I question their honor, not their patriotism. There are many who pay 40 or 50 percent of their earnings or more (and I know that you would like for it to be more), who are constantly blaming the U.S. for all that is wrong in the world and are far from being patriotic.
So get your phraseology straight, Mr. Biden. And I know that words don’t seem to come out of your mouth right very often. Maybe you could use the teleprompter that your campaign has arranged for Mr. Obama. If only he had been able to have someone carry the teleprompter in front of him when he answered Joe the Plumber’s question. He might not have revealed his true socialistic soul…

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