Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Well, here goes...

The time has come.
I must now enter the world of the Blog.
First, a little about myself. I am a Christian and extremely thankful to be so. I'm married to a beautiful girl and we will be celebrating 15 years this October. I have five incredibly awesome children, for which I am also grateful.
I am a minister of the Gospel, work in media in many and various outlets, and am also a basketball coach.
With all of this going on, what on the planet makes me think that I have the time for a blog? Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm just going with what I feel. Maybe it's just an outlet for the sarcasm that seems to be building up. [Currently, I'm on a recovery program; I'm trying to quit the stuff and it doesn't seem to be taking.]
As far as The Crest goes, I really like that title. It's the high point, the summit, the peak. And from this vantage, everything is visible and fair game. Please don't take yourself too seriously. Live and learn and enjoy the ride; you get only one trip anyway. Make the most of it with what God has given you. And for the love of Pete, have a sense of humor!
Anyway, now that I've got some of the character development out of the way, I'm sure that subsequent installments might be more interesting to the casual reader.

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