Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Does Waxman Think He Is???

Well, Hellcare has been signed into law and now the ramifications of it are starting to manifest themselves. They might have manifested sooner if anyone (including the intellectually deficient majority that voted for it) had known what was in it.
But as this is happening, companies such as A.T.& T., John Deere, Verizon, Caterpillar, and others are starting to make known what their future losses are going to be. And this is supposed to happen. SEC regulations dictate that these businesses reveal their ups and downs.
So how is it that Democrats in Congress are so upset with this? California congressman Henry Waxman is demanding that CEOs from these companies come to Washington and explain themselves.
What?! How can this be. Hellcare is supposed to be the answer to all wrongs and ills in this country. How dare you express a differing viewpoint?!
And even if Mr. Waxman and the 21st Century's version of Benedict Arnold, a.k.a. Bart Stupak, can call these business leaders to the carpet about their bottom lines for this first quarter, Henry-boy is way over the line demanding all correspondence that relates to this topic at all, including e-mail from anyone who has to account for the Hellcare-effects in each company.
He has no right. The government doesn't yet control these companies (like they do the automotive companies, and health care, and now even student loans), but you that they want to.
America to Henry: Mr. Obama is not king, contrary to popular belief shoved down our throats each day and night by the main stream media. And you, sir, are not a duke, or any other kind of royalty. Stay out of our mail. That's a federal offense!

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